On (most) Fridays I post here a roundup of interesting things I’ve read and/or posted on social media since my last roundup, generally stories about emerging technologies, experiential activations, interactive art, advances in scientific research, and other things I find interesting.
Featured Image: MIT CSAIL

Facebook’s new AI research uses intelligent “in-painting” in its facial recognition to identify when you’ve blinked in a photo and replace your closed eyes with open ones:

Image: Facebook/Techcrunch

Perceptin has a strategy to make a self-driving vehicle for under $10K by keeping it small and slow – which could be great for corporate and college campuses:

Image: Perceptin

In England, a robot has performed eye surgery on humans for the first time:

Image: University of Oxford

Jack Daniel’s used projection mapping and facial capture on the side of a truck for an experiential promotion at LA Pride:

Image: Jack Daniels

“Artificial intelligence is sort of the end goal of computer science. Computer science is about automating stuff, and artificial intelligence is about automating everything.” — Alex Krizhevsky

Image: Dessa

NVIDIA has created an AI tool that makes slow-motion videos shot on regular cameras more seamless, using an approach similar to Photoshop’s ‘Content-Aware Fill’ tool:


Researchers at MIT’s CSAIL have developed a method to control robots with brainwaves and hand gestures:


MIT researchers have designed a tiny and energy-efficient computer chip that could power drones as small as a fingernail:

Image: MIT

Researchers have created a robot bloodhound that can track odors on the ground:

Image: American Chemical Society

To see stories like this as I find them, follow me on Twitter: @josiah17