On (most) Fridays I post here a roundup of interesting things I’ve read and/or posted on social media since my last roundup, generally stories about emerging technologies, experiential activations, interactive art, advances in scientific research, and other things I find interesting.
Featured Image: Opener

Google co-founder Larry Page is covering his bases on flying cars with investments in at least 3 startups, including Opener, which just came out of stealth mode:

Image: Opener

SeaBED is a sensor-packed autonomous robot that dives over a mile deep under Antarctica’s polar ice collecting invaluable data:

Image: Northeast University/Wired

Unmoored is an augmented reality interactive art installation from artist Mel Chin where Times Square visitors don a HoloLens AR headset to experience an undersea dystopia where NYC streets must be navigated by boat:

Image: Microsoft/YouTube

RAD (Rotary Actuated Dodecahedron) is Pokéball-like device for handling delicate sea creatures without harming them:

Image: Harvard University/YouTube

In a world of driverless cars and winged planes on autopilot, creating autonomous helicopters remains a formidable challenge – the Sikorsky Autonomy Research Aircraft (SARA) is here to take it on:


DARPA is planning an ‘Olympic-style’ competition called SHRIMP (SHort-Range Independent Microrobotic Platforms) for tiny search and rescue robots:

Image: DARPA

The first all-digital art museum has launched in Japan and it’s full of immersive projection and interactive art:

Image: The Newsmakers/YouTube

A thoughtful look at how driverless cars and shared autonomous vehicles could transform American cities built around car ownership:

Image: Brandon Sullivan

AR developer Oscar Falmer created an augmented reality business card using ARKit:

Image: Oscar Falmer/YouTube

Google’s new ‘Move Mirror’ AI experiment uses machine learning to compare your pose to 80,000 photos and find a match:

Image: Google

CeramicSpeed’s ‘Driven’ concept bicycle has an innovative 99% efficient drivetrain that uses a carbon fiber shaft instead of a chain:

Image: Matt Phillips

Researchers in Poland created a machine learning algorithm that can differentiate scans of live irises from dead ones:

Image: A. Czajka, P. Maciejewicz and M. Trokielewicz

To see stories like this as I find them, follow me on Twitter: @josiah17