After a several year hiatus, roundups are back… On (most) Fridays we post here a roundup of interesting things we’ve read and/or posted on social media since the last roundup, generally stories about experiential activations, interactive art, themed entertainment, emerging technologies, advances in scientific research and other things we find interesting.


Top 5 Ways NFTs, 3D Avatars and the Metaverse are changing music and entertainment: Digital NFTs and wearables, new ways to monetize, tapping new audiences, rise in 3D avatars for fan engagement etc.


Virtual reality affects children differently than adults


How Genvid and Intel turned a Times Square billboard into an interactive game


New type of conceptual art: the Kunsten Museum of Art in Aalborg, Denmark paid artist Jens Haaning in advance to re-create two older sculptures. Instead, he kept the money without labor and called it conceptual art. ctabbed his art as “Take the Money and Run” and it’s simply two blank whiteboard frames without anything on them.


In her latest virtual reality project, “Tearless,” director and UCLA film professor Gina Kim continues to tell the story of Korean “comfort women” subjected to sexual violence at the hands of the United States military from the 1950s.


The 7 biggest artificial intelligence (AI) trends In 2022:  the augmented workforce, AI and the Metaverse, Creative AI, Autonomous vehicles, low-code and no-code AI


Never-before-seen set photos from ‘Blade Runner’ at this free Bradbury Building exhibition.


VR pioneer The Void is plotting a comeback


To see stories like this as we find them, follow us on Twitter: @NYiconoclast and @SpinifexNYC