I spend about 10% of most work days keeping up on emerging technologies, experiential activations, interactive art, advances in scientific research, and other things that grab my attention. When I read something that I find interesting, I generally push it out to my twitter followers. Each Friday I review my feed and compile the stories that have resonated most with my followers over the previous week.

Rolls-Royce will open an R&D center for remotely controlled and autonomous ships:

Oculus Rift experience ‘Mission: ISS’ can take you to the space station in virtual reality:

Museums around the world are beginning to employ robot tour guides:

Evrythng is an IoT platform for attaching metadata to ‘smart products’:

Scientists think they have identified the protein that makes the water bear (tardigrade) so hardy:

A Russian military contractor is building unmanned combat vehicles:

At OpenAI, bots are creating their own language to chat with one another and collaborate:

To see all my tweets, follow me on Twitter: @josiah17