On Fridays I post here my favorite stories about emerging technologies, experiential activations, interactive art, advances in scientific research, and other things I find inspirational.

Vitali is a vibrating smart bra that keeps tabs on how zen you feel:

Image: Kris Naudus (AOL/Engadget)

Since deep learning develops its own processes, what happens when we can’t understand our AI?

Image: Keith Rankin

Injecting a virus into the brains of Parkinson’s patients may relieve their symptoms:

Image: US National Institute on Aging

A Russian designer has redesigned the traffic light for both human drivers and autonomous vehicles:

Image: Evgeny Arinin

Scewo is a self-balancing, stair-climbing electric wheelchair designed by Swiss students:

Image: Scewo

Future retail stores could run on experiential tech like facial recognition, robots & holograms:

Image: Otto Steininger

Toyota has created an exoskeleton-like robotic leg brace to help paralyzed people walk:

Image: AP/Eugene Hoshiko

MindMaze’s Mask VR device captures facial muscle movements to render them in virtual reality:

Image: Rachel Metz

To see stories throughout the week, follow me on Twitter: @josiah17