I spend about 10% of most work days keeping up on emerging technologies, experiential activations, interactive art, advances in scientific research, and other things that grab my attention. When I read something that I find interesting, I generally push it out to my twitter followers. Each Friday I review my feed and compile the stories that have resonated most with my followers over the previous week.

NYU researchers are augmenting haptic feedback in virtual reality with robotic proxies:

A nice roundup of companies working on augmented reality systems for flying and driving:

A nice dive into the 23 Asilomar AI principles to maintain ethical artificial intelligence:

A roundup of three different types of autonomous boats that will coming to our oceans soon:

Microsoft is piling on patent filings for augmented reality, trying to get the jump on Apple et al:

DARPA’s SideArm system lets drones snag a tailhook mid-air, like landing on an aircraft carrier:

Playing Portal in augmented reality via this Hololens demo looks like a mighty fun time:

Rethink upgraded the “behavior engine” of its industrial Sawyer robot to better learn complex tasks:

To better compete with the US, Germany & France defined a transnational driverless car testing zone:

To see all my tweets, follow me on Twitter: @josiah17