On Fridays I post here my favorite stories about emerging technologies, experiential activations, interactive art, advances in scientific research, and other things I find inspirational.

A guide to the biggest challenges facing self-driving car technologists:

Image: Ben Margot/Associated Press

Bosch will create radar road signature maps for high accuracy self-driving:

Image: Bosch

Google plans to use AI to help doctors in India detect signs of diabetes-related eye disease:

Image: Cole Wilson/Wired

How AI and machine learning are helping drive the GE digital transformation:

Image: AP Photo/Michael Dwyer

Tim Cook confirmed Apple is now focused on building autonomous car systems:

Image: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg

Swedish study – delivery drones deliver AEDs to heart-attack patients 19m faster than ambulances:

, Image: Andreas Claesson

To see stories throughout the week, follow me on Twitter: @josiah17